Bulk GEO IP Locator

IP Address Exact Location Finder

Get location of multiple IP addresses and their geographic details in one click. Just Enter IP address in the box below and click on "Track IP Address Exact Location" button to pin point the location and show you the longitute and lattitude GPS coordinates.

Enter up to 20 IPs (Each IP must be on separate line)


Your IP City Region Country Country Code ISP Latitude Longitude
Try New IP

Turbo Bulk GEO IP Locator

Do you know how to find someone's exact location with IP address? Just use GEO IP Locator tool and find a specific IP address location within a second To know more about Bulk GEO IP Locator read the full article.

Geo IP Locator is a free Geo IP lookup tool. It helps to find out IP address geolocation information without installing any software on your computer. 

There are many IP geolocation service providers online free or premium. If you search on google using the geo IP address lookup/locator keyword, you will get too many suggestions of IP locator tools with advanced options. Most of all tools are awesome and working fine.

However, in this GEO IP Locator or IP geolocation lookup web service Our GeoIP lookup tool works following the IP address geolocation algorithm to Find out IP Information. It provides accurate IP geolocation service without any cost.

What is online IP geolocation?

According to Wikipedia Geolocation is the identification or estimation of the real-world geographic location of an object, such as a radar source, mobile phone, or Internet-connected computer terminal. In its simplest form geolocation involves the generation of a set of geographic coordinates and is closely related to the use of positioning systems, but its usefulness is enhanced by the use of these coordinates to determine a meaningful location, such as a street address. For more information, you can visit Wikipedia

Bulk GEO IP locator

Why use an online IP location finder?

There are many reasons for using a geo IP address locator tool. Suppose you are an online businessman, webmaster, or blogger and want to sell your products to a specific country like the united States. So your main target is getting USA visitors to your website. In this case, you have to choose USA related internet service provider to host your website. But how do you know the server location of your website? Using this free online IP geolocation tool you will be able to find the ISP's IP address location with details information. You can also use the reverse IP address lookup tool

How to use IP address geolocation tools?

It's very easy to use. First of all, enter up to 20 IPs and click on submit button. After reloading the page you will get your IP address geolocation list with details information.