7 Ways To Repurpose Content and Attract More Website Visitors

7 Ways To Repurpose Content and Attract More Website Visitors

7 Ways To Repurpose Content and Attract More Website Visitors

Everyone knows that creating new content for a website is important, but many businesses still spend most of their time crafting new content rather than repurposing existing content. While new content is great, you can also take advantage of existing content to save time and resources.

Repurposing is the process of taking existing content and reusing it in a different format. It's an essential part of any content marketing strategy because it allows businesses to attract more website visitors without spending an enormous amount of time creating new content from scratch.

The concept itself is pretty straightforward - take previously published content and tailor it to different audiences or offer up modified versions of it to various mediums.

This can be done by changing things such as:

  • How you present the content
  • How you express the same core message
  • How you display the information

In this article, we'll walk through some of the creative ways to repurpose your content.

Create an infographic from a blog post

According to SMA Marketing, people share and like infographics three times more often than other types of content. That's a lot of power in your hands. You can use this to your advantage by creating infographics that are based on popular blog posts and using them to promote both pieces of content.

You can find a relevant infographic online that you like and use it as inspiration while creating your own. Tools like Canva, Venngage, and Piktochart have lots of ready-made templates that you can use as a starting point.

One of the most substantial things to keep in mind when designing an infographic is that it has to be understood independently. If someone stumbles upon your infographic but isn't familiar with the subject matter, they should be able to look at it and understand it as well as someone who read your post in full.

Convert a live stream into a webinar

If you're already hosting live streams, you may want to take them a step further by repurposing them as webinars. Here are two ways to do that:

1. Record the live stream using video software like Camtasia Studio or ScreenFlow and then use that recording as a replay version of your webinar on platforms like eWebinar or GoToWebinar.

2. Create a replay video from the live stream itself. Edit the video and add a voiceover or some other type of narration so that it feels more like a webinar than just a live stream.

Share a snippet of your blog in a tweet

You can take a snippet of your blog post and share it on Twitter. You don't need to write the entire blog post, just a small portion that gives people an idea of what you talk about in the full version.

When you share on Twitter, it's really important to include a call-to-action so that people who see it feel compelled to read the full post. This can be as simple as asking them to follow your blog or visit your website.

It's also helpful if you give a little context for the excerpt you share. You could say where you are and why the topic you're writing about is particularly relevant or interesting right now. You could also ask a question that encourages others to think along with you.

Make videos from your blogs

You know the old saying video is king? Well, it's still true. Videos are one of the best ways to share your content online because they help you connect with people in a way that written text or images can't quite match.

Here are some easy ways you can do that:

  • Make a slideshow video
  • Create an animated GIF
  • Record a voiceover for your existing content
  • Turn your podcast clips into TikTok videos

Turn transcripts from your podcast into blog posts

If you're a podcaster, you probably already know that one of the best ways to repurpose your episodes is by creating blog content from them. The problem is most podcasters don't know how to turn their audio into text. 'Easy' is the keyword here.

There are lots of services out there that will transcribe your podcast for you, usually for around $1 per minute of audio. Just send them your MP3 file, choose a format and delivery speed (usually within 24 hours), then sit back while they turn your words into text. You can use this transcript as the basis for blog content or even as-is if you don't have time to write anymore.

Create a SlideShare presentation

SlideShare is an excellent platform to showcase your ideas in a visual format. You can create a presentation based on your podcast or blog and publish it on SlideShare. It's like YouTube for presentations but with features that make it ideal for creating educational content.

Creating a presentation can help your audience and followers consolidate your ideas into an easy-to-digest format. Blogs are great, but they usually require more reading than an audience might want to take on.

You can embed this presentation on your website, but they are especially good on LinkedIn, where they appear in a slideshow format.

Update existing content

There is never too much information about a topic, which is especially true for articles you write about. Rather than creating a new blog post or podcast episode on the same topic, update your previous posts. Add more information or examples to help readers understand what was already said in a previous post.

This gives them a better context for your latest information and helps reinforce your key points. You can also take this a step further and answer questions or respond to comments from your readers.

Letting readers know that you have updated your article with new information is good practice. You can do this at the beginning of the post or send an email to people who subscribed to get updates when you publish new content.

Summing It Up

Creative repurposing doesn't have to be difficult or time-consuming, and the rewards can be significant: boosted traffic, more links, longer content lifespan, and more. People have different needs and preferences, so it's important to experiment with different types of repurposing. Don't focus on creating articles or videos alone. Instead, repurpose your content in different formats and reach a wider audience.

So spend some time next week experimenting with your content and discovering new ways to utilize it from different angles. You just might find that this simple task has a major impact on your online presence.

Jennesa Ongkit

Authored By Jennesa Ongkit

Jennesa Ongkit is an SEO specialist working with VEED.IO. She is also a blogger and freelance writer, who enjoys writing about marketing, startups, blockchain technology, and other topics in business.

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